As society becomes more socially responsible and environmentally friendly, alternative energy methods are becoming increasingly popular. Although solar power, eco roof tiles and similar sources like wind power have become easily accessible in recent years, there are many sources that are yet to be discovered.
Here is a guide to the wide range of alternative energy sources available to you.
##Hydro/tidal energy##
One of the oldest energy sources around, it is the process of creating electrical energy by generating water and tidal power. According to recent sources, hydropower makes up 20% of the world’s energy production. It is predominately created by using dams to turn turbines, thus powering generators to create electrical energy. Traditionally, this process is difficult to use in the home, but depending on the size of the property, certain systems can be created.
##Biomass energy##
This is becoming increasingly popular, particularly in power stations and factories. It is usually created when a pulp like bi-product of sugar production known as ‘bagasse’ is burned, which is then used to create steam to power turbines. Rubbish and waste, animal manure, wood chippings and corn stalks can also be used in a similar process. Homeowners can purchase boilers or stoves which are solely run on wood chips, wood pellets or other natural waste products.
##Water harvesting##
This process involves the collection of rain water on buildings, which usually would be lost in drains or evaporation. This method is being increasingly used in the home and in agriculture. Many companies are selling water harvesting pumps at consistently competitive rates to encourage its production.
##Gas condensing system boilers##
An alternative to the standard Combi boiler, instead of producing hot water on demand, they heat water from an alternative domestic hot water cylinder. Homeowners are being increasingly encouraged to turn to this method as they are said to be 30% more efficient.
##Ground-source heat pumps##
This is the process of using natural heat from the earth. Ground-source pumps can be placed either horizontally or in the ground. They receive the heat from the ground through a coil inserted at least 1m into the earth. In this position, the temperature is between 4-8°C; this is then transferred by the coil to the heat pump via a heat exchanger. This source of energy can be used in the home; however, it is most effective in large scale areas such as factories and farming land.
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