Month: June 2015
Go Green: Tips for Exterior Concrete
The decorative concrete can help you improve the aesthetics of your home as well as extend its durability. This is a very popular building material which is famous for its effectiveness and sustainability. What you probably don’t know, however, is that you can use it to limit the negative impact of your real estate property…
Health Benefits of Green Cleaning
Green cleaning grows fairly popular nowadays, so a lot of people look upon implementing it into your usual routines each day. There are many chemicals being used in modern cleaning products that happen to pretty unpleasant at the least and dangerous in the worst case scenarios if used excessively. There are alternatives that have been…
Make The Sun Charge Your Phone: Cheap DIY Solar Chargers
Using a smart phone makes your life so much easier and your communication and organization immeasurably simpler. Just think of previous generations of mobile phones and the limited scope of their actions – you could call, text, play a simple game and check the time, and that was, more or less, everything. With the newest…
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Ways to Truly Green up Your Office
We are all probably aware of the state the environment is in practically in any urban area of our planet. There are numerous activities all around the world with the aim to improve the state nature is in, targeted at consequences and primarily with sources of such devastating pollution. Te majority of us is truly…